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Saturday, December 30, 2006 ;

interruptions to the HM6ix posts because i just felt like rambling. (:

for a while then, i was thinking 'that is such a cool lamp!' ..

and then it hit me, WOW it's the mirror!

besides that, i like Aaron's shirt. we should probably buy that for nicccccc and force him to wear it. =) teeheee it's great when you have a friend like me.

one more thing, Jo literally looks as if she was leaning her chin on Aaron's shoulder.................... ORH HORR!!!

spirit of Yanyan, out in Jesus' name.

maybe i'll use the mirror effect for my house next time.

okay, i said all that to say that i just need a new guitar because song writing is just beginning, just beginning anew.

evan my darling, our song is on it's wayyy! =)

p/s : oh no nic we forgot about the video againnnnnnn!


Thursday, December 28, 2006 ;

HM6ix part four.

day two of the camp was games day for us. when i whispered to Samm my Hamm during lunch that i really didn't feel like going for games, i meant it.

somehow i seriously wasn't looking forward to running around and getting dirty and sticky and smelly. although as a soccer player i usually like that. hahah i don't know..

i was just thinking, why couldn't we just skip the games and have a longer praise and worship? why couldn't they just cancel the games and let the camp groups have more snuggle time? why couldn't they just cancel the games and give us free time so that i could just spend time with my roomies?

after changing for games and reporting at the ballroom, i received more news that drowned my already almost-non-existent enthusiasm.

we weren't gonna be playing the games as the Levites. i wasn't gonna be with my camp group. because they'd split the Levites up, and i was now in GAP.

i was so upset! besides the one and only sharing that we had as a real group on the first night with Coach Han, the Levites had never really gotten to spend any quality time with each other at all.

so i just thought to myself, what's the use of having a camp group if you don't even get to do anything in camp with them?

only happy thing was, Rach was in GAP too. the not-so-happy thing was that (and this post is really a brutally honest entry) i didn't know most of the GAP people very well and i was.. kinda tired of always having to be 'The Hyper Person' who initiates conversations all the time.

cos sometimes, you just want to be talked to and not be the one to talk. hahaha or is it just me? =) i don't know. hahah but never mind. ((:

anyways as i was saying, i was being really bitter and complacent.

but can i say, when the games started, when i submitted to my leaders and just went ahead with the games instead of complaining and complaining, everything just turned around for me.

it was amazing, the Favour that saw me through. (: GAP made my day really awesome, they made the games really fun for me.

i experienced SO much favour until Coach Han personally asked me to think up of new cheers for GAP, and to teach the entire GAP, and to lead them in the cheers as well.

how awesome is that, and how totally undeserving is it for someone who never even wanted to participate in the games in the first place. and i, who knew all the hard work that they Games Comm went through. =)

but it made me realise that, God can come through for you in any situation. and yes, He truly makes all things beautiful in His time. =) just for me, He did it just for me.

it made me realise once again how undeserving i am, yet the willingness of the Father to bless me against all odds. i saw once again that He is more willing to see me enjoy than i am to enjoy myself.

time and time again He has proved faithful and willing. (: like what i talked about with Yongjeee on msn.

'the things He would do just to make me smile'


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 ;

heehee happy birthday Mr. Suika! i love you! (:

thank You Jesus, yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no Ah Bengzxzx. =)



Tuesday, December 26, 2006 ;

HM6ix part three.

some of ngee ann had gathered in 840 together with coach han for some sharing. the testimonies were great and it was good to know how each individual experienced a fresh touch from God that camp.

but i guess the one that touched me the most was Tim's testimony. it caught my heart and it really brought tears to my eyes. i just couldn't help it.

here's Tim's story (followed exactly as best as i can remember, that is)

he'd not been to church for like four to five months. he never showed for cg, never came for campus, wasn't even there for Bible Study or Sunday Service.

i mean, it had already been three months, what difference would one more month make? it would be damn hard to fit in again, and people get lazy. (i know what he means hehe)

but when he heard about camp, he just knew deep down that it was his time to come home, that camp was the turning point for him. he wanted to come home.

and the first message of the first service of his first ever HM camp, pastor spoke on restoration. =)

during the praise and worship, he just whispered to God, "Daddy, take me Home. i really want You to lead me Home."

and you know, it would have already been awesome for Daddy to just whisper to him, "yes son, i will carry you Home."

but all he heard was three words.

"I miss you."

Jesus, You are the sweetest name of all, forever.


Saturday, December 23, 2006 ;

HM6ix part two.

so sunday night Cherri was over to stay for the night. anything is better than travelling half of singapore to reach clementi at 7am the next day.

slept later than intended but i woke up right on time anyways. got ready and everything, and we cabbed down to clementi macs to meet the rest who were all apparently late save alex, ming, amy..

the excitement just somehow hadn't set in for me yet. i was just agreeing emptily to everyone who came up to me and went "WAH! OMG! IT'S TODAY LEH!"

and i'd just reply without much feeling, "yah man! it's so fast. i'm so excited."

nothing much about the bus ride. slept alot though, and we didn't get to eat A&W! =( oh well i guess KFC wasn't that bad either. (:

i didn't know why i wasn't excited. i didn't know why i didn't know what to expect. i didn't know why i wasn't expecting much.

i just knew one thing; this had to change.

camp's come once a year and the coporate anointing of camps are.. one of a kind. i wasn't going to pay $220 just to say that i'd been there to sleep in a malaysian hotel.

sharing on the bus from steve, kaijin and jolene. kaijin's sharing somehow made me tear a little, but i was still feeling a little empty and lost. the "umph" just wasn't there.

tried to hype myself up with memories of how fun the previous three Teenzeal/Dare camps had been for me, how amazing and how heartfelt and how life changing they were.

but it didn't work. nothing worked.

i was so agitated, so frustrated.

"come on God. i can't just go for camp like that. i want to be enjoying this to the max. i want this camp to be special, to be one of a kind, and i want this camp to change my life like never before."

so we reached the hotel, got our room keys, sat through a brief briefing (haha) and went back to our rooms.

(ahh by the way rachevan i lovelovelove)

called yongjeee to come pass us the guitar and us three girls started having a little praise and worship of our own.

(: a little while later, some of the guys came over. i think ming, yongjee, sam, larry, zhengy. the praise and worship got a little more intense and i just told the people to pray if they felt like it.

be it for the camp or for the leaders or themselves, or each other. and we started praying in tongues for abit before i started the ball rolling by praying for the camp.

hehehh it was really in faith lah, because at that point of time i still wasn't feeling anything about camp at all, though i was already there. it was kinda weird, but i continued praying anyways.

more people prayed, and suddenly i just felt like i had to pray for yongjeee. it's like i literally felt like i was going to explode. i couldn't contain it any longer and before long the words just started to come out of me.

i spoke and spoke and i don't even know what i said. but it was good.

yongjeee later shared with me that those words were really all he'd needed to hear, that he was really refreshed after the prayer.

rach shared with us about a vision she saw while i was praying over yongjeee.

then it just hit me, that HEY if a small little praise and worship in our little room could be that powerful, what more the entire camp?

that if Daddy could move within this small group of friends, what made me think He wouldn't within the entire Campus Ministry?

it would be even better.

it would keep getting better.

nothing could hold us back if we wanted to shout praises to the Holy One who loves us. nothing and noone.

it struck me at that moment how powerful HM6ix was gonna be. (: and i saw it, and i smiled, and a wave of utter hype washed over me.

Jesus was going to explode in our midst this camp. there was no doubt. (:


HM6ix part one.

"Jesus, all my fears they fade away, when i see You, when i see You.."

we were on the way home, and the whole bus was just singing together, singing and singing and singing. i could tell that the people were really meaning it. it was so beautiful because it was their heartsong.

and then i just saw this, that all of us in the bus that day, we were just standing there, hand in hand, outside the gates of hell.

we just stood there, hand in hand, arms raised high towards the Heavens, and we sang, "Jesus, all my fears they fade away, when i see You, when i see You.."

and the armies of hell were rushing out to get us, fully armed with weapons in hand. it was so gross, so black, so.. so evil.

but we stood there and we sang.

and they faded away. and more evil came. but they faded away. yet more came, and yet more faded away.

and we never did anything except stand there hand in hand, arms raised toward the Heavens, singing and singing and singing.

i couldn't sing anymore as i broke into a series of sobs. i pushed the mic to asher and just sat there with the tears streaming down my face.

and now i truly know.

the battle belongs to the Lord. (:


Sunday, December 17, 2006 ;

=) HM6ix!

i am too excited to say much now but be patient and this page will be exploding with testimonies when i get back. (:


cheeee baa boooooomm!!!


Saturday, December 16, 2006 ;

the number of youths who went up for alter call just brought tears to my eyes. (: thank You Daddy for showing me just the tiniest glimpse of the God-explosion happening in the youth ministry.

truly, Jesus is in the midst of us. =)


Friday, December 15, 2006 ;


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 ;

hi heart.

i just wanted to remind you that you're gonna be fine, to remind you that everything's gonna be better than alright because Jesus is in control.

i want you to know, dear heart, that you might be hurt, you might be bleeding and your wounds might be deep but Jesus heals, yes He does.

He heals, He doens't mend, because mending leaves patches but healing means you're restored to even better than before.

so, dear heart, be troubled not, and do not be afraid, for Daddy is with you and Daddy is with me and He will make all things beautiful just for us. (:

smile now, and the bad days will just fade away. Daddy is smiling at us, dear heart. (: and i know we're gonna be just fine.

because you're the one He gave His life for. and He would do it all over again. (: He never had to in the first place, but just for you He did. (:

i love you, heart, so does Jesus.

yours sincerely,


i wonder if it's too late, should i go back and try to graduate. (: nahh. i just miss school, is all.

Christmas is on it's way! even more so, HM6. ((: the thought alone excites me, and there's just so much to expect.

(: to say the least, great things will happen there, and not just during the services. i mean like even when we're shopping, sleeping, eating.

and even that's an understatement. =)

you gotta love this!


Monday, December 11, 2006 ;

everyone has a heartsong, and it's beautiful no matter how you express it. =)


Sunday, December 10, 2006 ;

sometimes, i enjoy going to service by myself. =)

thank You, Provider. ((:

and yes, the things You would do just to put a smile on my face. (:
aiyoh i love the Dare youths! ((((:


Saturday, December 09, 2006 ;

"sweetheart, You aren't just over emotional. You, my Dear, have a heart Full of Compassion. and that's just the way I Love You :) "

oh Sweetie Poo, i Love You too.


=) i'm taking a break.

i just want to recieve and recieve and recieve, because i don't want to serve just because i have to.

Jesus, thank You for never letting go. (:


Wednesday, December 06, 2006 ;

so many things to do, ssoooo little time.

=) Jesus, You are my Greater Than. and yeah, the things You would do to make me smile. (: You have got to be the Sweetest ever. (:


Tuesday, December 05, 2006 ;

i'm tired Daddy, and i can't do this alone.

but i know You'll see me through. and i know that You'll always be there for me. anytime, anywhere, always and forever.

nobody can take me to the Moon but You, Sweetie. nobody can fill my heart with song but You.

(: for i know that i am carried in the arms of Grace and Love Divine. that no matter how tired or worn out i'll ever get, i'll be safe.

i'll be safe, here with You. (: no evil, no harm, no terror, no arrow, no plague, no storm can ever ever come near my dwelling place.

cos You will keep me safe, and You will keep me close, i'll stay in Your embrace forever and ever more. =)

and i will never walk alone.


Saturday, December 02, 2006 ;

fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars
let me see what spring is like jupiter and mars
in other words, hold my hand
in other words, Jesus kiss me

fill my heart song and let me sing forever more
You are all i long for Jesus, worship and adore
in other words, You are true
in other words, i love You =)



the Priceless Work of Art
intricately designed by the Maker of the Universe

psalmist princess
trading her ashes in for beauty
here in Love's embrace
forever to stay

bought with a price that no man could pay.
now, i belong to Him.

the blessed
the redeemed
the made whole
the favoured
the loved
the reciever

daughter of the King
safe in her Daddy's arms

View my complete profile

romance me o Lover of my soul
to the song of all songs



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